July 10th, 2007

11:00 pm:

  • Edy's Coconut Popsicle

7:00 pm:

  • Two Slices of Bread
  • 1 Sicilian Pizza
  • Strawberry Lemonade

The meal was located at California Pizza Kitchen and I ate it with my mother. She first tempted me with Indian food but then backed out because she did not think she would be able to handle the spiciness of Indian food. She then suggested California Pizza Kitchen thinking that I would order their tandoori chicken pizza in order to have something Indian but I opted for a sicilian pizza and ate the entire thing.

2:45 pm:

  • 1 Garlic Roll
  • Campbell's Tomato Juice

The garlic roll came with my chicken parm sandwich the other night. I did not bother to heat it up because I knew I would still enjoy it cold.

I finally finished the tomato juice and I am glad about this. I usually would just buy V8 instead and I am a huge fan of that drink. I could not remember how tomato juice compared but I remembered that my grandfather always kept miniature cans of it in his basement and I used to love them, so I decided to buy a bottle. It turns out that there are aspects of the taste of Campbell's Tomato Juice that I find to be unpleasant and I really only like when the tomato juice touches certain specific taste buds on my tongue. When I was younger, and at my grandfather's house, I would always chug the tomato juice. This allowed the tomato juice to wash over the correct taste buds while avoiding contact with the undesired ones. For some reason, I am not willing to chug tomato juice anymore and I know that I can drink V8 at a normal pace and still enjoy it a great deal. This is why I am glad that with the tomato juice gone, I can now put a nice, huge bottle of V8 in its place.

12:15 pm:

  • Fruit Loops
  • Orange Juice
  • Iced Coffee

2:00 am:

  • Vanilla Milkshake
  • Mozzarella Cheese Sticks+ Marinara Sauce

These were both from Denny's. I am constantly desiring milkshakes these days and this is strange for me. I never used to have much of an interest in milk shakes because they were too thick and they would always lose the battle for my attention on the dinner menu to beverages with less viscosity. I also did not think that I had any desire for food, but when I entered the Denny's and smelled that familiar Denny's smell, I found myself with an appetite for some mozzarella sticks.

1 comment:

A Ghost said...

They sell V8 in the campus center at Mount Holyoke, and a few months ago I decided to try it. The fact that it claimed to contain so many vegetable servings appealed to me, as there are not many vegetables I enjoy eating. Including tomatos. So I bought it, and I must admit I was quite impressed. I think it is a good way to "eat" vegetables without actually having to eat them. At least for me.